Dear Supplier,
First, I would like to thank you for your cooperation in working with the Nipendo system. The joint work is expected to contribute to expedite payment processes, and to prevent mishaps and misunderstandings.
Below are some key points regarding the invoicing to the IEC through the Nipendo system to prevent delays in the process of receiving and approving invoices.
Business Process:
1. Accepting sales orders and agreements.
2. Sending an invoice based on an order / agreement / to the verifying company.
3. Receive status for invoice.
4. View the payment in the Portal.
From now on, all open orders and agreements will be displayed on the Nipendo portal. The above presentation will be used to improve the process.
Sending the invoice will not replace the current transfer of documents.
1. From this moment, all invoices will be sent only through Nipendo.
2. No changes will be made in the business processes of IEC and the following emphases are presented only in order to sharpen the filing process.
3. In order to avoid non-payment of the invoice, an invoice previously sent by paper will not be sent again via Nipendo, in order to avoid duplication.
4. The payment date will be determined according to the payment terms specified in the order and also according to the invoice loading date in Nipendo. On canceled invoices, the effective date for them will be the date of delivery after the correction of the wrong individual that led to the rejection.
A. Calculated on the basis of an agreement
- One invoice for one agreement only
- Will only be sent for an agreement appearing on the portal
B. Invoice based on order
- One invoice for one order only
- Will be sent only for an order that appears on the portal
- In the case of one multi-order invoice, use the Invoice-with-no-order
C. Invoice without an Order
- The supplier will be required to indicate the purchasing organization to which the invoice is addressed to
- Selecting the wrong purchasing organization will lead to the invoice being rejected by the customer
6. Note that the invoice data typed in the portal must be the same as the source invoice image as it came out of your information system.
8. If your service sheet number in IEC is known, you can enter it during the invoice creation process.
9. Attached documents - If you have documents to attach to the invoice, you can add it as an attachment during the invoice creation process, or, to attach them later in the portal.
10. In case the status of the invoice has been "rejected", the reason for the rejection will be dealt with in the portal. In those cases, work according to the following: