Setting Up My Display

You can change the display settings for each module in the portal.

Display settings include: the selection of the displayed columns, and their display order.

Please Note

Any display setting you choose will be saved for you automatically for future entries.

Selecting the columns displayed:

1) Enter the desired module you wish to edit. 

2) Set your mouse on any column in the grid and a small arrow will appear next to the column.

3) Click on this arrow and a drop-down menu will appear. 

4) Set your mouse over the "Columns" option and a list will appear with the columns that are available in a specific module. Add or remove columns according to your preferences.

Selecting the order of the columns displayed:

1) Enter the desired module from the main menu on the left side of the screen.

2) Click on the title of the column you wish to move, and drag it to a different location.