Create custom ASN

Nipendo - Create Scheduled Confirmation (ASN) from Nipendo on Vimeo.

Creating a Scheduled Confirmation can be done in the Sales Orders module.

1. Go to the relevant order and open the order info by double clicking on the order.

in some cases, the customer requires approval of the order line/s before sending the ASN. In that case, you'll see a green "Approve/Reject" button.

2. Go to the "Schedule Confirmation" tab.

3. Click on the "Create Schedule Confirmations" button.

The following popup will display the list of the possible lines you can apply to the schedule confirmation/s.

Here you can choose the line/s you wish to send. When you are finished selecting the line/s, click on the "Create schedule confirmation" button.

4. Here you can see the order lines with it's original values.

You can:

- Change the date/s of the order deliveries. Click on the blue pen in the fields to edit this information.

- Split or Merge line deliveries. You can edit the quantity value 

Click on this icon to add new delivery lines:Click on this icon to remove lines:

5. Click on the green "Send" button to send your ASN to the customer.