Send a Quotation (RFQ)

To begin, enter the "Incoming RFQ" module from the main menu.

By using the "Advanced search" option on the right side of the screen, you can search by RFQ number, expiration date, and more. With "Advanced search" you can also filter your search to easily see which RFQs are about to expire within the next 1 - 5 days.

As with all modules: to open a specific message, double-click anywhere in the relevant row to open the RFQ and see more information.

The RFQ information is divided into 3 tabs: header request, items list, and buyer comments.

In the "Header Request" tab you can find the customers' and suppliers' information, general details of the request (such as request number, request date, and expiration date), and the buyers' contact information.

In the "Items list", you are required to select a currency (if not already chosen). You also have the option to enter a supplier quotation number.

If the required delivery date and quantity for an item provided by the customer matches the proposal delivery date and quantity, you can copy them by clicking on the arrow (pictured below).

If you are proposing different quantities and delivery dates, you have the option to add more lines by clicking on the blue plus sign in this box (also pictured below).

To approve a line item, all the required data must be filled in.

As long as the deadline has not yet passed:

  • You are not required to respond to all lines at once. You can submit a quotation for one or some of the lines.
  • At any point, you can save your progress to work on the quotation at a later time.