Dear IAI Supplier,

Bellow please find important guidelines using Nipendo Portal according to IAI’s business requirements. These guidelines will ensure proper, smooth and error-free electronic interaction with IAI.

Process Scope

Current implementation includes the following business documents:

1.    RFQ (Request for Quotation) from IAI

2.    Quotation from supplier

3.    PO (Purchase Orders) and PO change from IAI

4.    Order Confirmation, line level from supplier on IAI’s PO

5.    Shipping notification from supplier

6.    Invoices from supplier

7.    Invoice Status from IAI

RFQ & Quotations

1.    Supplier is required to reply to IAI’s RFQs by sending quotations

2.    Quotation must be sent prior to the requested response date

3.    Supplier is requested to fill out currency, price, quantity and delivery dates for each item


1.    Supplier is requested to response (Approve/Reject) on every line of the Order

2.    Supplier’s approval means Order data is correct, goods/services will be supplied as requested (price, currency, payment terms, etc.)

3.    In case of order line rejection, a clear reason for rejection must be filled out in the relevant field. This is a mandatory field that will pop up in case of rejection

4.    In case supplier wants to change already posted response to Order line, he must contact relevant IAI buyer. Changing order response on the Portal after committing the response will not take effect.

5.    Before sending invoices please make sure Order response was committed as the system will reject invoice on order lines that were not approved.

6.    Historic orders - All open orders since January 2011 will be available on Nipendo Portal on go-live. Order confirmations are not required for historic open orders

Shipping Notifications

1.    Shipping notifications (SN’s) are going through several business and technical validations based on IAI’s definitions as described in item 5 below

2.    It’s important to send the shipping notification before sending the delivery.

3.    SN’s that will be required to validate by source inspector from IAI, will set in hold status until the source inspector will approve it.

4.    After the SN is approved, the supplier is required to print the barcode and make sure to send it with the relevant delivery.

5.    In case of discrepancy, the SN will be rejected and a detailed explanation will be presented on the Portal

6.    Main SN business validations:

        SN line quantity + former SN's quantities should not exceed the related order line quantity.

        Delivery dates against order request validation - 15 days before or 1000 days after requested delivery date

        Attachments existence per order specification (COC,ATR, etc.)

        Validate related order lines approval

        Validate manufacturing and expiration date, compared to minimum requirement according to the customer’s relevant purchase order.

        Validate batch and serial number existence, compared to the requirement in the customer’s relevant purchase order.


1.    Invoices are going through several business and technical validations based on IAI’s definitions as described in item 4 below

2.    In case of discrepancy, the invoice will be rejected and a detailed explanation will be presented on the Portal

3.    Credit invoice may be sent through the portal only if the original invoice has a valid status ["Received by the customer" / "Verified by the customer"]. 

4.    The credited invoice number must be specified in the credit invoice.

5.    Main invoice business validations:

        Invoice currency must be the same as the order currency

        Invoice line total amount + former invoices amounts, should not exceed the related order line total amount.

        Invoice line quantity + former invoices quantities should not exceed the related order line quantity.

        Only approved order lines can be invoiced.

        For goods invoices, the shipping notification number is mandatory, and must be specified in the relevant field.