
Guidelines for sending invoices via Nipendo systems

1.      Please make sure to enter all your invoices to the system immediately when creating them.

2.      Credit Invoice

Clalit supports the following Credit Invoice scenarios:

a.      Credit Invoice with positive values

b.      Debit Invoice with negative values

3.      Invoice Amendments

In the portal, the supplier can fix the following fields in the invoice amendments tab:

a.      PO Number

b.      PO Line Number

c.       Customer Catalog Number

d.      Shipping Notification Number

e.      Original Invoice Number (in case of a Credit Invoice)

In case of a rejected or pending ('Hold") invoice, the supplier is required to fix it and send it again.

4.      Signed Shipping Notification attachment

a.      In case of an invoice that was not Approved by a week since it’s been sent – please attach to it a scanned image of the signed Shipping Notification so we’ll be able to speed up it’s process time.

b.      In case that you’ve received unagreed Credit Invoice Draft for an invoice – please attach to it a scanned image of the signed Shipping Notification & add your notes in the invoice notes section.

5.      In case of an invoice rejection due to quantity mismatch – please cancel the rejected invoice and issue a new one with the correct quantity.

6.      Handling Hold & Rejected Invoices

In all cases of Hold or Rejected invoices, it is the suppliers' responsibility to fix it or to alert the relevant reference in Clalit.

Please note- unhandled invoices will lead to a payment postponement.

7.      It is the suppliers' responsibility to conduct a monthly verification that all the needed invoices are in the portal.

8.      You can view all the Rejected and Pending invoices in the Invoice Failure Report.

9.      Please notice that you can view your GL Account in our books by entering the General Ledger module

You are welcome to approach the Nipendo support team at