Quick Search

In all the portal screens on the top right, there will be an option to perform a quick search.

Please note: This search is ideal only when you want to find a specific document. 

If you want to locate several documents with the same criteria, use Advanced Search.

Search from the main screen:

  • Search all existing documents in the portal
  • Unlimited document date (all years)
  • You can search a document number or part of it

After entering the data, press "ENTER" on the keyboard.

In the current screen, the portal will filter results according to the data entered in the quick search field on the main screen.

Double-click on the desired line and the document will open.

Module level search:

The relevant time period and whether to display results from the archive must be defined.

We will type in the quick search field the relevant data to the search. 

After typing the data, press "ENTER" on the keyboard.